Swarnashree Mysore Sathyendra


Hello! I am an NLP/ML enthusiast currently working as an NLP Research Engineer. My current work delves into supervised fine-tuning of LLMs, parameter efficient fine-tuning of LMs and LLMs, distributed training pipelines for these LLMs, RAG based use cases for LLMs. I am also exploring unsupervised topic classification models.

I completed Masters of Science degree in Intelligent Information Systems (LTI department) at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh. I have interned at Amazon Alexa AI as an applied scientist in the past, working on fairness in Entity Resolution models. In the past, I have worked with Prof. Alan W Black on downstream tasks like keyword tagging for low resource language speech. Currently, I work at a private investment research firm, as an NLP Engineering Expert. I work on parameter efficient fine-tuning of language models(LMs) like BERT useful for the finance domain. I am also working on distributed training of such LMs and taking care of the ML pipeline end-to-end.Between 2018-2021, I worked as a Software Development Engineer 2 at Goldman Sachs, Bangalore and contributed to some very interesting projects. I completed my BE Degree in Information Science and Engineering from PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore (Batch of 2014-2018).

I’m most interested in tackling problems in the Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing domains and building scalable, secure ML systems.



Select Projects

Please refer to CV for more details on all recent projects

Professional Experience

CV Scholar LinkedIn Mail: ms dot swarnashree at gmail dot com

last updated: June 16, 2024